Embassy of Sri Lanka
Address: 2979 Ahmad Abdulghafur Attar Street, Al Olaya, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Contact Number: +966 11 460 8235 / +966 11 460 8232
Email: slemb.riyadh@mfa.gov.lk
Name of the Officer | Designation | Office Contact Number | Mobile Number | Email Address |
H.E. O.L Ameerajwad | Ambassador | +966 11 460 8240 | ambassador@slemb.org.sa | |
Mr. N.M.M. Anas | Minister / Head of Chancery | +966 11 460 8258 | mohamed.anas@mfa.gov.lk | |
Mr. Mr. R.K.K.M.P Randeniya | Counselor / Employment and Welfare | +966 11 419 5267 | +966 55 831 2220 | counsellor.riyadh@slbfe.lk |
Mr. Mr.P.V. Munasinghe | First Secretary / Labor | +966 11 460 8248 | +966 55 906 1438 | pulasithi01@gmail.com |
Ms. Tashma Vithanawasam | First Secretary / Commerce | +966 11 460 8846 | +966 54 479 1306 | tashmariyadh2023@gmail.com |
Mr. V. Arzath | Third Secretary / Employment and Welfare | +966 11 810 9303 | +966 50 057 9659 | arzath.vt@gmail.com |
Mr. M.A.S Nishantha | Third Secretary / Employment and Welfare | +966 11 810 9303 | +966 53 371 9847 | sandun_slbfe@yahoo.com |