Registration of Marriage

Required Documents

  1. One of the parties to the marriage, who should be a Sri Lankan citizen, should give “Notice of Marriage” to the Embassy
  2. Bachelor Certificate certified by Divisional Secretary through Gramasewa Niladari of the Sri Lankan citizen’s party to the marriage and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka should be produced.
  3. A foreign national who is party to the marriage should produce a valid Bachelor Certificate from the competent authority of the relevant country and the document should be attested by relevant Embassy.
  4. The marriage can be registered in the Embassy after the lapse of fourteen (14) days from the receipt of the Notice of Marriage but within three (03) months from such date.
  5. Valid passports and Iqamas of both parties should be produced.
  6. Original of Birth Certificate of Sri Lankan National should be produced certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka.
  7. Both parties should be present at the Embassy in person.
  8. Sponsor no objection letter.
  9. Parents no objection letter.
  10. Two (02) witnesses with valid passports.
  11. Fees:

Notice of Marriage – SAR 115

Registration of Marriage (General) – SAR-180

Certified Copies (General) – SAR-85

Registration of Marriage (Muslim) – SAR 180

Certified copies of Muslim marriage – SAR 85

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